Want to lose weight fast, get rid of your gut, sleep better, look better, live longer, and become more attractive to the opposite sex? WHO DOESN’T?!? Well, I’m here to tell you about an amazing diet breakthrough that will transform your life, if you’re willing to make the commitment and make these changes. Are you ready?
Use your head, and stop eating crap!
There you go. Take those two tips to the bank and thank me later. These are the first two fundamental steps to losing weight. You might be saying, “That’s dumb, and way too simple, give me something I can use,”…to which I’d reply, “oh really a-hole!” and then I’d apologize for calling you an a-hole. I didn’t mean it. But seriously, you’d be surprised how guilty you are of the things listed below, which you’d probably avoid if you used common sense:
- If you order some food, place it on a napkin, and then you can see through the napkin because of the grease, it’s probably bad for you.
- If you can’t pronounce 95% of the ingredients, it’s probably bad for you.
- If it looks bad for you, it’s probably bad for you.
- If it was deep fried, covered in some special sauce, and served with other things that are also deep fried, it’s probably bad for you.
- If it came out of a vending machine, it’s probably bad for you.
- If you ordered it at a drive-thru window, it’s probably bad for you.
- If you’re ordering it at 2AM after a night of drinking, it’s probably bad for you.
How many times a week do you eat a value meal from a fast food joint, complete with fries and a large Coke? How many times a day to go to your office’s snack machine? Do you go to Waffle House after you go to a bar? Do you skip breakfast?
These are all simple changes you can make in your life if you’re actually dedicated. “Oh, I don’t want to give up soda, I need the caffeine,” “but I don’t have time to make a real meal, which is why I eat fast food.” All I’m hearing here is excuses from weak-minded people who don’t want to change. You don’t put sawdust in your gas tank because it will jack up your car’s insides. You shouldn’t fuel your body with crap either! If you really want to get in shape, these are the changes that will make or break you. Are you mentally strong enough to give up sugary sodas, late night binge eating, and terrible fast food? This whole health thing is 80% mental and 44% physical. Think about it.
Not sure if something is good or bad for you? Use your common sense, and I guarantee you’ll make the right decision.
Here’s the challenge: Give up fast food and soda for 3 weeks. Depending on how much soda and fast food you normally consume, you can see an absolutely ridiculous change in your weight and health. Earlier this year, a Nerd Fitness reader was drinking 6 cans of Mountain Dew a day. She gave up soda, started doing basic exercises, and guess what happened? She LOST 30 effing pounds (over a few months, not 3 weeks…but still!)
Why three weeks? Psychologists say it takes three weeks of doing a daily activity for it to become a habit. Every day in your office, instead of drinking a can of Coke, get a big ole FREE glass of water from the water cooler. Who knows, while you’re there you might even find out why everybody keeps talking up that Tobias Funke (please tell me you get this reference). If you go out to dinner, save 2 bucks and get water (or ‘water with lemon’ if you want to scare your date away, pansy.)
No more late night fast food runs. No more fast food runs during the day either. “But it tastes so good!” Yeah, of course it does! It was created to taste good and be produced cheaply. Just say no, and in a few weeks you won’t crave it any more, and eventually you won’t even miss it. Bring your own lunch to work, bring a bag of almonds to snack on at your desk, celery and peanut butter, an apple, etc. Don’t buy it from a vending machine, don’t buy it from a drive-thru (and no, going into McDonald’s doesn’t make it better).
It’s okay to treat yourself to terrible food or drinks every once and a while (I’m talking like once a week), but once you get to a certain point you won’t even want that ‘once a week,’ and you’ll wonder how you ever survived on the stuff.
NF note: there may or may not be a new article tomorrow. I’m flying to Vegas this weekend, which means I may or may not have to trade this laptop in for more casino chips.