Nerd Fitness is an independent team of 15+ certified coaches, strength training professionals, and credentialed researchers that provide entertaining, science-based information about the complex world of health and fitness.
It’s our goal to present the best, unbiased information, in the most entertaining way, so that you can make an informed decision on how to level up your life in a way that fits your lifestyle and goals.
We do not make any money through advertising or from page views. We do not accept gifts, do product reviews, nor do we do any paid promotions of ANY kind.
The articles and guides you’ll find on Nerd Fitness involve our knowledgeable team’s best efforts to share the most scientifically accurate information, representing the latest research, and done so in a fun, easy-to-understand format.
We work hard to ensure the integrity and scientific legitimacy of each article or resource on the site, and are constantly updating articles or guides to reflect the latest research, studies, and scientific results.
If an article contains one of the following tags, you can read about HOW those tags are applied and the processes we’ve gone through to research, review, and publish that content.
Click on each tag below to learn more about our editorial process:
If an article or guide on has a tag of “Evidence-based,” that means the content is backed up by peer-reviewed studies as journals such as JAMA to Pubmed, and links to these studies can be accessed by clicking on the relevant footnote.
In other words, we are not making baseless claims, but rather sharing information that has been proven through experimentation and research.
We want you to feel confident that any and all information shared or advice given on the site is backed by science and the latest studies or evidence!
After all, science is hard, and more studies are coming out every day.
We’re confident we’re sharing the best information, backed by the right studies, that give you a chance at leveling up your life confidently.
Expert Reviewed
If an article or guide on Nerd Fitness has an “Expert Reviewed” tag, it means the content has been reviewed by an expert in that field, somebody with a master’s degree, PhD, and other credentials specific to that field.
Our reviewers are poring through each article, cross-checking each claim and each study referenced, to make sure all claims are backed by science and provide the most accurate information as of the article’s publication.
Please click on each reviewer’s name to learn more about their credentials and experience in the field they’re reviewing.
Outside of science-backed articles and guides, our authors occasionally create articles and discussions around topics that have room for nuance. From habit building to motivation, these articles are our attempt to help you create change in your life outside of just nutrition and fitness.