The Best Newsletter In The Galaxy! (Probably)

Hey, I’m Steve Kamb. I started Nerd Fitness in 2009. Every week, I send out a short email guaranteed to make you live a bit better, think a little deeper, and overcome the obstacles that get in the way.

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Welcome to the Nerd Fitness Rebellion

Over the past 15+ years, we’ve helped thousands of people reach their fitness goals through our free articles and our kick-ass 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program.

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Real People. Real Results.

Our coaches help everyday people unlock their superpowers and get in shape – for life!

  • Know exactly what to do with customized workouts and nutrition strategies
  • Stay accountable through text and video messages from your coach
  • Level up your motivation by seeing your daily progress
  • Make changes that last with our habit-based systems
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The Last Fitness Program You’ll Ever Need

Workouts, nutrition guidance, and habit-building. Never wonder where you should put your limited time, energy, and effort.

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93 thoughts on “Home Page (archived w/ comments)

  1. Why would you close this???? I just spent quite a bit of time reading about the whole program only to get to the end and see it is closed. Bummer…..

  2. So disappointing, to read allllll this information, get stoked about it, and then find that there’s no link for registration or even to sign up to be notified when registration re-opens. BUMMER!

  3. Right, but if it’s stuff like pull ups, yeah, that’s way out of my reach and I’m not paying for something I can’t use. I’ve downloaded many a phone app that I couldn’t use and this looks like one of those.

  4. Will you have routines that won’t require a gym, for those who can’t get a gym membership at the time, and would prefer at home workouts?

  5. I have to say Steve, I thought the cost would be much higher. Wow, this is a good deal!

  6. Ok, I’m like everyone else, where is the login page for the academy? I’ve signed up for it and had access but now, I don’t. What’s going on?

  7. I really really hope I win a scholarship for the women’s fitness academy!! I truly want to make this commitment!

  8. Would LOVE a scholarship! Working hard to join the rebellion, LOVE the emails…down 13 of 73 lbs and have been paleo with my boyfriend and our 4 kids for a couple of months or so. Trying boot camp classes for a more functional fitness, and working toward total fitness for the first time since i became bionic following a shattered right leg 6 years ago.

  9. Looking forward to this! I need the accountability more than anything else; also the encouragement from other people living the same lifestyle, and the mental focus to be able to see this through. I’ve started fitness programs on my own lots of times, and then when something happens, like injury … or LIFE!! .. it all fizzles out. So (in advance) thank you for the women’s academy! Ive been reading your newsletters for the past few months, and – this is the truth – Nerd Fitness is the only newsletter or fitness email / blog I read before deleting. And that’s why I’m prepared to spend the money.

  10. I would love a scholarship! No matter what, i am committed to getting healthy in 2014. I think this would be an incredible help to me. I tend to focus more when something is a course or like school. I don’t know why, but that’s just how my brain works. I think having this be an Academy would really help my brain get into the proper mindset. I would love to pay for it, but just can’t afford it at the moment (sometimes it sucks being a grad student with 4 kids)! Fingers are crossed!

  11. A scholarship for this program would be awesome! I am a total nerd who wants to get healthier.

  12. A scholarship would be wonderful! I always love the email updates; the info is useful and down to earth, totally fun to read. I am trying to get back on track from the holidays and this sure would give me the kick I need.

  13. I’m hoping for a scholarship! I’m but a wee noob to the Rebellion (that sounds so weird, considering I play SWTOR as Empire >.<), determined to roll a Monk/Druid hybrid, but need help starting out on my epic quest. I could use the tutorial tooltips!

  14. I would love a scholarship!! My second daughter turned one and I’m back to pre babies weight, but I really want to get back to STRONG.

  15. Where do we try for the scholarships? As a student its tough to shell out the money for this, but I could totally handle doing the at home workout and really want to get back on track .

  16. I would love a scholarship! I want to be stronger and fitter, but I feel lost. There’s so much stuff out there, and most of it is pretty vague. I just want to figure out how to figure things out myself, and this looks like the perfect place to learn.

  17. Who’s ready to make 2014 the year you hear, “Have you lost weight?”. I’ve been collecting underpants for too long, it’s time to put the rules of the rebellion to action!

  18. Ok, I know I said I’d be happy to prioritise my budget and pay for this, but a scholarship would obviously make life so much easier. What I’ve learned most from Nerd-fitness – wow, so much!! I think the one very obvious thing that just didn’t (wouldn’t) sink in before I read your article, was when you spoke about accepting your back problem, and tailoring your training to work with it. Doh, but I’ve always insisted on training like everyone else in spite of having a back that want play the game my way. So thanks for opening my eyes, that bit of common sense has changed the way I look at my program. your second question, how Nerd Fitness will improve my life – I answered that in my previous comment about needing the accountability, encouragement, and mental focus. Thank you for offering these scholarships 🙂

  19. I would love to win a scholarship. I am 47 and feeling like an old, tired mom to my two daughters, ages 6 and 7. I want to be healthy for them, be a good role model, feel great and yes, i admit it, I do want to look good in a bathing suit :).

  20. I would love to win the scholarship because I am a fifteen year old girl looking to join the army as an officer in two to three years time, my mind is set and I am determined to kick ass and prove everyone wrong, I want respect which will be hard to gain simply because I’m a girl and there are lower fitness standards for women, I want to be able to pass the male fitness standards and gain some weight as I put on muscle because currently, I’m the weedy nerdy girl who got into private school on a scholarship for Maths and no one really thinks I could kick ass. So my goal is to join the army, kick some ass and be the best that I can be, thank you for providing me with a chance to prove everyone wrong x

  21. THANK YOU for putting this program together! I have learned SO MUCH from reading Nerd Fitness over the past few years, but the one thing that was probably most critical to my mindset and journey to health was that food isn’t the enemy and heavy lifting is the BEST! After reading Staci’s story, I worked to come to grips with an eating disorder and began to eat to fuel my heavy-lifting workouts, and my life flipped around in a huge way. The Nerd Fitness Academy is the perfect thing to keep me moving towards my goals: I’ve gone through a lot of big tough changes in the last year and let myself get sidetracked from my fitness goals: this is the kick in the ass I need to keep finding my best self in 2014!

  22. I love the fact that it’s CALLED a “scholarship” and not just free access, etc. I’ve been studying this stuff for a while, and eating clean and lifting heavy for over a year now, and I still have a lot to learn. The way Nerd Fitness has taken this dry, boring stuff and turned it into something so easily accessible has really been what makes it great. If I don’t win, I hope whoever does really puts it to good use. For the Rebellion!

  23. One lesson I have learned from reading Nerd fit is there is no program/system that is the end all be all. I have tried everything and had some success with fitness and nutrition over the past several years but have never reached the prize. As a mother of 3 young girls I want to be a role model and show them that women can be strong and healthy. With all the different information out there and the plethora of books this journey can be very confusing. Can you be too educated? Information overload is the stage I am in right now. I have read so many books and so many websites. Low carb, paleo, weight watchers, atkins, etc. etc. Too much information has just left me in despair and confused, not knowing what to eat or do. Sometimes my brain just hurts trying to keep it all straight. I need someone to just tell me what to do to achieve the results that I want…plain and simple. I believe a scholarship will help this busy teacher, mom, and wife get it together and finally learn how to achieve the goals I have wanted for so long. Thanks

  24. I have lost 75 pounds so far. I am determined to lose another 25+ pounds, but I need to adjust my workouts and eating. What I am currently doing is running, biking, swimming, and eating clean. I need to start strength training and clean out the carbs and sugar in my diet. Nerd Fitness Academy can help me do that. Please choose me!

  25. Um, how do we post here to express interest in your raffle? The one where you pick random winners to receive Academy subscriptions?

    Or do we accomplish that by giving our email address above, confirming the link subscription, and then going to our email inboxes and replying to the questions you send us in the automated “welcome” email?

    I’d actually appreciate it if someone could answer this for me. Thanks 🙂

  26. I am Staci to a “T” (well the old staci that was 170lbs with a 5’4 body frame.) I love working out I just can’t seem to get the diet thing down. After reading staci’s story, I became so motivated to get like her!!!! I have been doing occasional crossfit workouts since last May and I love it. It has taught me the importance of heavy lifting and not to fear “becoming too bulky.” However, my weight has not changed bc of my sucky diet (it’s really not that sucky, but it needs to be more consistent) and that’s what I need your help with! I’m the type of person that needs a coach who tells me what I need to do. But I will do it! I’m ready to stop making excuses, trying every fad diet around, and running on the treadmill for 60 min a day bc I think all that sweat is doing something good for me (ya right, just making me hate running ven more)! Pick me, pick me! I won’t let u down (or myself for that matter).

    And ps: staci u truly are my hero!

    Dani Girl 🙂

  27. I really want this. I’ve tried so many other things. Most recently shelling out cash to a personal trainer. No results. I love this site because it’s so genuine. Scholarship or not, I’m signing up.

  28. I really want this! I was diagnosed with MS this year and that made me realize that I really have to take care of my health more than ever. Unfortunately I don’t have the budget to join since my medical care has been so expensive. I do use the elliptical or treadmill, but I have no idea what to be doing about nutrition or how to eat.

  29. I have lost 110lbs so far and seem to have plateaued-I am looking to finish my weight loss and get in even better shape since I lost the weight to join the military and I am currently active duty Navy. Nutrition and Working out are my stress relievers! Attached is a picture of me and my kale chips I recently recieved.

  30. Okay what I learned from nerd fitness that it’s not my fault I wasn’t learning weight it was the advice and training that wasn’t working. That even though I was busting my butt in the gym every day and wasn’t seeing results. Nerd fitness helped me retune my work outs so they actually work with my body and are helping me tone up and lose weight (21 lbs in three months!!) and I would use nerd fitness academy to help motivate me to keep motivated. It is so much easier to stay motivated when you have people cheering for you and helping you along your fitness path.

  31. I’d like to enter my mom for a scholarship. She’s 65 and has never lifted weights or been strong, and I want to turn her “I can’t” into “I can!” I’ve been telling her about this site and eating paleo and she’s interested in the paleo stuff but really afraid to start lifting weights. She could use all the help she can get, she really needs to build muscle to keep her skeleton together (no joke.) So, I hereby nominate my mom!

  32. Yes please, I’d love a scholarship! I’ve packed on 7 pounds in 2 weeks… and NOT of muscle… time to get a really good plan to get it back off healthily!

  33. I love the articles on NF and have find it encouraging and funny. Like how you break it down into “real life” terms. I would love to win a scholarship for the women’s fitness academy. I have an autistic child and I struggle with making time to take care of myself with fitness consistently. I have been learning a lot already, especially the idea of starting with a small goal or plan, getting success with that , then increasing it. I always felt like I had to go to the gym and kill myself for at least an hour 5 times a week to get anything out of it. Sometimes, I just don’t have that time available. I feel better now about doing a good 30 minute workout 2-3 times a week rather than skipping it totally. I would really love to have day to day support with others that struggle with life balance and making their health a priority. I feel Women’s Fitness Academy could help me with this. Thanks!

  34. I need to take back my life after cancer treatment. I know that exercise will help prevent a recurrence and I need to do this for life!!!
    …come on, scholarship!

  35. Nerd + Fitness + Improving My Health + Motivating Friends and Family = my kind of plan! I have truly enjoyed reading through the NF site these past few months. What an entertaining treasure to stumble across (the fact that Steve has a ridiculous sense of humor thrown into each entry is top notch)! The one specific lesson that I have learned from reading NF (so far!) is that I shouldn’t let others’ misconceptions of lifting weights as a woman cast a shadow on what I know can lead me to the body that I want and know I can attain.
    If I am gifted with a scholarship to the Nerd Fitness Academy, I am positive that it will open my eyes up to some life-changing routines and clarity of what is best for my body and health. This will enable me to make the changes I need to make to get back to the powerhouse I know I can be – and to motivate others around me! Even though I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight after having three babies, Lord knows I need some help toning up and sculpting. As a busy mommy and an elementary school teacher, I love that I can access NF whenever the time hits! I would LOVE to be a part of the NF Academy in 2014!!!

  36. I would love to have a scholarship for this! I’m a single mom without a lot of time or money, but I know the importance of community to help stay motivated! I love the Nerd Fitness site and would definitely use the Academy 🙂

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