Welcome to the Newly Designed Nerd Fitness!


So, you might notice things look a bit different around here…

About a month ago, I spent some quality time in San Francisco with my friend Chase Reeves: designer extraordinaire, part of the Fizzle.co team, and one of the funniest goons I’ve ever met.  We sat side by side for a week cracking jokes, making fun of each other, and redesigning Nerd Fitness from the ground up.

That labor of love is what you see before you today!

With Nerd Fitness getting a complete overhaul today, I figured this is a great opportunity to show you around.

While we’re still working on a few bugs, fixing some old pages, and will be rolling out updates to the message boards and social media pages soon, I’m glad you’re here to check it out!

What’s new?

Landing Page

For starters, we now have a brand new, redesigned Home Page at NerdFitness.com.

If you want just the blog, update your bookmark to NerdFitness.com/blog !

This is where you can sign up for the Rebellion, learn what Nerd Fitness is all about, and more.

We’ve also created a page specifically to highlight some of our best success stories, one of the parts of Nerd Fitness I’m so proud of – normal folks like you, me, Joe, Staci, and Saint who have changed their lives and are inspiring others to do the same.

Along with all of that, there’s a page just for our best resources, a page that highlights our fitness guides, and easy access to our apparel (which is getting redesigned too!)

I’d love for you to poke around and tell me what you think!

Dynamic design

Landing Page 2

If you happen to frequent Nerd Fitness on your mobile device or iPad, you’re finally able to get the full NF experience!  

The site is now optimized for any and all resolutions.

We get over 300,000 visits a month on mobile platforms, and those folks had been poorly neglected for far too long.

Not anymore!

Regardless of what platform you use (iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, iPad, laptop, GIANT computer screen, etc.), this site will always allow you to get everything you need in a stylish manner, find the articles you want, and give you the resources you need.

The NF Six-Week Challenge kicks off today!


The new Six-Week Challenge starts today!  

Simply follow the instructions, pick your three or four goals, join a team, and get started. It’s free, and you’ll have about 16,000 people ready, willing, and able to support you on your quest for a leveled up life.

We have over 1100 people signed up already!

I’ve joined up with the Assassins for this challenge, and here are my goals.

A note on goals: “I will lose ________  pounds in 6 weeks” is an okay goal, putting your focus on building a habit is much more powerful:

  • “I will work out three days a week and go for walks on my other three days, even if it’s just for five minutes.”
  • “I will cook one healthy meal a day.”
  • “I will replace one soda with green tea this week, two next week, etc.”

And remember, the scale can lie; body fat percentage, how you look, and how you FEEL is far more important.

So put your focus on the healthy habit, and your appearance will follow suit.

Hope to see you over there on the Nerd Fitness message boards!

The Nerd Fitness Library!


Last week, I announced that we were hoping to help build a “library” down in Peru by donating 100% of profits from all NF apparel until June 7th.

I’m proud to say that we reached our initial goal in roughly four hours (Ha!)…and then it’s picked up even more momentum since then!  I don’t have an official total amount yet, but let’s just say it’s big.

I freaking love this community.

On a related note, with us selling an obscene amount of apparel, a few items are backordered, and will take an extra week or so to get back in stock.  Feel free to place your order now, and we’ll be shipping out items as SOON as humanly possible when we get them back in stock.

Thanks for your patience, and thanks again for being so awesome.

A little help?


Meet Boozer, my friend Tyler’s dog (he’s the one on the left).  This picture isn’t exactly relevant, but was too funny not to share.

Let us know how the new site looks for you!

Have you spotted a bug? See an old article that needs fixing? Have an idea for the site? Let us know at [email protected]

Also, I’m on the hunt for more success stories!  If you have a success story thanks to Nerd Fitness (with before/afters), PLEASE email me at [email protected]

Last but not least, I’m going to be adding a page for testimonials too!  I’d love if you left a comment on this article that answers the question:

How has Nerd Fitness helped you live a better life?

Thanks again for being part of the journey.

For the Rebellion!


Today’s Rebel Hero: Thomas Frank, creator of College Info Geek, dominating Japan in his NF Superhero T-shirt.  

Not gonna lie, Thomas just raised the bar as far as epic NF apparel photos go:


Want to be the next Rebel Hero? Take a photo of you doing something epic in your Nerd Fitness gear and send it to [email protected] so we can feature you on the site!


photo source: storm trooper present, six, scrolls

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