We freshened up NerdFitness.com! (Come take a look)

Today’s newsletter is different because I have some fun updates!

(Well, “fun” might be an overstatement, but bear with me).

This month, we finally got a chance to make a much needed change.

We updated NerdFitness.com!

Real talk: the site had been a Frankenstein’s Monster of broken fonts, outdated structure, and unreadability for years (eeesh). I was honestly embarrassed that every month, hundreds of thousands of people found our site for the first time and had a less than great experience.


Nerd Fitness is now a lot cleaner, loads faster, and should help nerds find the resources they need.

But wait! There’s more!

Because I like you and think you look nice today, I’ve also taken the time to update 3 of our most popular resources!

Choose Your Own Fitness Journey

Here are 3 popular resources I’ve updated with more studies, an improved philosophy, and better user experience.

Feel free to read one or all of them. Or none of them. Either way, you’re a swell person and I’m glad you’re here.

  1. How to Lose Weight and Build Muscle (at the same time!). This resource covers most of the basic philosophy of NF, including how nutrition affects our weight, how to build muscle, and how it’s possible to both build muscle and burn fat simultaneously (in very specific scenarios!)
  2. How to Build Your Own Workout. I realized we had an outdated workout philosophy in here, so I went ahead and updated this post too. We simplified the workout to 4 big movements, and walk you through step-by-step how to build a program!
  3. How to Run Your First 5K. We have so many people who come to us wanting to run their first 5K, and that’s awesome. But there’s slightly more to it than just “put on shoes and go run 3.2 miles.” Luckily, we walk you through all of this too!

I hope you have an awesome week, and let me know if you run into any hiccups over on NerdFitness.com.

We knocked out a bunch of cobwebs and bugs, but let us know if something doesn’t work! We’ll be testing and tweaking more of the core pages, content, and articles in the coming weeks.
