Advanced Bodyweight Workout Circuit: A Full Body Routine You Can Do At Home

Once you get good at advanced bodyweight exercises, you can bust out moves like this!

Want to get strong but hate the gym?

No problem!

With today’s Advanced Bodyweight Routine, you can burn fat, build muscle, and get a great workout in! All with no gym membership required!

It’s the kind of workout we build through our online coaching program. If you’re in a hurry, sign up for our free weekly newsletter and we’ll send you PDFs of our “Work Out at Home” guides!

If you’re ready, click the sections below to get right into the action:

Alright, let’s do this thang.

The Advanced Bodyweight Workout

This is the Advanced Bodyweight Workout (Do 3 Circuits):

  • 10 One-Legged Squats – each side
  • 20 Bodyweight Squats
  • 20 Walking Lunges (10 each leg)
  • 20 Jump Step-Ups (10 each leg)
  • 10 Pull-Ups (or inverted bodyweight rows using your kitchen table)
  • 10 Dips – Bar Stools
  • 10 Chin-Ups (or inverted bodyweight rows with an underhand grip)
  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 30 Second Plank

See our section below on advanced bodyweight exercises to see how to do each of these movements!

I do use a door-frame pull-up bar in the video, but you can do table bodyweight rows (see the video below) if you can’t do a pull-up yet or if you don’t have a pull-up bar!

Another option is to do dowel rows, as we outline in The 5 Best Pull-up Alternatives:

This gif shows Jim doing a row on chairs

Lastly: this workout will have you sweating like a pig and leave you sore all over the next day.

If you’re just moving beyond the Beginner Bodyweight Workout for the first time, this workout might seem ridiculously difficult, which is fine.

The goal will be to go through as many circuits as you can without breaking form.


As Coach Lauren describes in the video above, in a circuit routine you’ll do each exercise in succession without a break in between (if you’re able).

  • Once you’ve finished all exercises in the circuit, do it again.
  • If you’re still able after the 2nd run-through, go for a 3rd.
  • Because all of these exercises come one after another, you’re bound to get tired – that’s okay! 

Our goal is to give you a full-body workout that leaves you panting.


Go at your own pace, but the above 3 circuits and your warm-up and cool-down will take you about 25-30 minutes.

And speaking of warming up and cooling down…

Before you start, do a WARM-UP

Don’t forget to warm up. You can run in place, jump rope, do a few push-ups, pedal on a stationary bike, jog up and down your stairs, etc. Since we are doing advanced movements here, the warm-up becomes even more critical. 

Also, if you want to stretch and cool down after your workout, here’s a routine you can run through:

If you are following this bodyweight workout plan because you’re trying to get in great shape without needing a gym, download our free guide: Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to KnowIt’ll provide an exact plan to follow for growing strong.

The 21 Best Advanced Bodyweight Exercises

This LEGO knows lifting himself up is a great advanced bodyweight exercise.

Let’s go through each movement in the Advanced Bodyweight Workout Circuit, so we can ensure you’re doing each move correctly!


Do a proper bodyweight squat to work out your legs

If you want even more instruction, here’s how to do a proper bodyweight squat:


A small stool can help when you first start doing one legged squats!


The one legged "pistol" squat is a great advanced bodyweight movement.

Here’s our video How to Master the One-Legged Squat:


This gif shows the walking lunge, a great way to do bodyweight exercises in your own home!


Jump step-ups are perfect bodyweight moves you can try on your stairs.


Staci using a band for an assisted pull-up, a great exercise for a bodyweight circuit.

A resistance band is a great tool to help build strength for proper pull-ups. It’s part of our arsenal for getting your first pull-up.

You can get different types of exercise bands with different levels of strength, or a variety pack for easy progression.

Put your foot in the exercise band and pull yourself up.

Here’s a video on How to Tie the Resistance Band for Your Pull-up:


Staci jumping up to do a negative pull-up., a great movement until you can bring regular pull-ups into your circuit.

If you don’t have a resistance band, you can do negative pull-ups instead. Jump and hold yourself above the bar, and then slowly, under control, lower yourself to the ‘starting position’ of a pull-up. Then repeat!

This is a great way to build up enough strength to eventually get your first pull-up.


A pull-up would be considered an advanced bodyweight movement, great for including in your at home training.

We have a full guide on proper pull-up form so you can hone your technique.


A chin-up is a pull-up, but with your hands facing towards you.

Much like a pull-up, but with your palms facing toward you.

Here’s a video going over the proper pull-up and chin-up form:

If you can’t do pull-ups or chin-ups, you have another option…


A bodyweight row like this is a great "pull" exercise you can while building up strength for pull-ups.

An inverted bodyweight row can be a great “pull” exercise if you can’t do a pull-up yet, or if you don’t have a proper pull-up bar nearby. Because a good sturdy table can be used for inverted rows:


A underhand inverted bodyweight row can be exchanged for a chin-up while you build up your strength.


A resistance band is a great way to get started with this bodyweight exercise.

With a resistance band, you can start performing assisted dips. A great exercise while you build up strength for normal dips.


Bodyweight dips are a great exercise to include in an advanced circuit.


Knee push-ups like this are a great way to progress to a regular push-up!


Do elevated push-ups to work up to regular push-ups


This gif shows Staci doing a push-up in perfect form.

We have a whole article on how to do a proper push-up, but we also cover it extensively in this 5-minute video:


Decline push-ups like this are a great way to progress your bodyweight exercises.


If you can't do a normal plank, start with doing them on your knees until you can advance.


The plank is a great bodyweight exercise to engage your core muscles.


Doing a plank on your side is a great way to progressive this bodyweight movement.


Jumping Jacks are a great cardiovascular bodyweight exercise

If you are looking for even MORE bodyweight exercises you can use in your workouts, make sure to check out our mega-resource:

 “The 42 Best Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere.

How to Scale Your Bodyweight Routine

These LEGOS use their bodyweight for their just looks like dancing!

As I said earlier, this whole routine is scalable based on your ability. For example, here is a sample routine for somebody who has conquered the Beginner Bodyweight Workout but can’t do the full routine above:

  • 10 Bodyweight Squats
  • 10 Walking Lunges
  • 15 Jump Ups
  • 3 Assisted Pull-Ups (or 6 inverted bodyweight rows – overhand grip on table)
  • 8 Dips (or 10 decline push-ups if these are too tough)
  • 3 Assisted Chin-Ups (or 6 inverted bodyweight rows – underhand grip on table)
  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 30 Second Plank
  • 30 Jumping Jacks


Hm, well then, can you do 4 circuits instead of 3? Or have you tried a circuit that would make you worthy of a Spartan?

do the 300 circuit training workout to get strong like King Leonidas

Whatever your fitness level, find a way to push yourself a little harder, get better, be faster, and grow stronger. 

We cover this extensively in our guide, Tracking Your Fitness Progress.

Keep track of:

  • Your exact routine
  • How long it took you
  • Which exercises wore you out
  • Exactly how many reps you did

Then make sure you do more next time!


Do this routine 2-3 times a week, but never on consecutive days. It’s a message we really strike home in our guide, “How Often Should I Work Out?

You don’t build muscle when you’re exercising, you build muscle when you’re resting, so try not to do a strength training routine (of the same muscle groups) two days in a row.

I like to follow a training pattern of:

Alternatively, pick one of these fun exercises to do on your off days instead!

Wayne is stoked that he made his small change for weight loss.

If you’re still uneasy about this advanced workout, start with our Beginner Bodyweight Workout instead. You can download a worksheet to get started when you sign up for our free weekly newsletter:

After the Advanced Bodyweight Workout: Next Steps!

This dancer has advanced her bodyweight training to include catching some air!

This should help you get started with a really powerful bodyweight training routine. But we hear frequently that people want MORE instruction, MORE guidance, and MORE workouts.

If that’s you, we have MULTIPLE options to take the next step. Pick the option below that best aligns with your goals and timeline:

1) If you want step-by-step guidance, a custom bodyweight training program that levels up as you get stronger, and a coach to keep you accountable, check out our killer 1-on-1 coaching program:

2) If you want a daily prompt for doing workouts at home, check out NF Journey. Our fun habit-building app helps you exercise more frequently, eat healthier, and level up your life (literally).

Try your free trial right here:

3) Enlist in the Rebellion! We need good people like you in our community, the Nerd Fitness Rebellion. 

Sign up in the box below to enlist and get our guide, Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know. It’ll help you start incorporating these advanced bodyweight moves into your training.

4) Level Up Your Workout! If you’re looking for more workout routines to follow, I got you covered:

I’d love to hear how this workout was for you.

Leave a comment below with your results or any questions you have on advanced bodyweight training and how else we can help. 

For the Rebellion!


PS: Where do you go after you’ve crushed the Advanced Bodyweight Workout? Well, have you ever heard of the PLP Progression? There’s really no limit on how challenging that can get.

Good luck!


All photo sources can be found right here: [1]

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