The Best Newsletter In The Galaxy! (Probably)

Hey, I’m Steve Kamb. I started Nerd Fitness in 2009. Every week, I send out a short email guaranteed to make you live a bit better, think a little deeper, and overcome the obstacles that get in the way.

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Welcome to the Nerd Fitness Rebellion

Over the past 15+ years, we’ve helped thousands of people reach their fitness goals through our free articles and our kick-ass 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program.

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Our coaches help everyday people unlock their superpowers and get in shape – for life!

  • Know exactly what to do with customized workouts and nutrition strategies
  • Stay accountable through text and video messages from your coach
  • Level up your motivation by seeing your daily progress
  • Make changes thatΒ last with our habit-based systems
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93 thoughts on “Home Page (archived w/ comments)

  1. I would love to join this, just turned 50 and started a new job. Have some real challenges on finding time and getting motivated now that I seem to have no time to work out. Really need some accountability and some help in getting started. Its so hard to know where to start and so intimidating going to the gym. When I get home from work all I want to do is sit down and relax. Hope you open registration up again soon.

  2. Stumbled onto the Nerd Fitness website recently – looks like a great community to join. key lesson – a step at a time does it to get fit and healthy. The Academy looks like an awesome community to join where members support each other to achieve their goals.

  3. A scholarship would be fabulous. I’ve received the NF emails for about 12 months and they have helped keep me motivated. What I love about NF is that it is so down to earth, and the biggest lesson I’ve learnt is to work with what you have: forget the fancy pants foods and celebrity diet and exercise regimes! Despite feeling motivated I did fall back into some old habits towards the end of the year, and have realised I need a community of like-minded people to get going again. I’m training to be a fitness instructor and I like the idea of doing something subversive along with the conventional training I’m getting!

  4. Just received an email saying the course is open, but followed the link and it says that the course is closed. Hmmmmmm.

  5. I need this schoolarship because I want to be an embassador of this movement! Because the end of 2013 really sucked to me (I lost my job) and I would like something new and fantastic happens to me. Because this is the push I need to be consistent.

  6. One specific thing I’ve learned from reading Nerd Fitness is to break my goals into manageable, actionable steps rather than changing everything at once. I can focus on a small number of things that will make the biggest difference, economizing my effort and making changes more sustainable!

    The Nerd Fitness Academy will improve my life by improving my confidence. In helping me to achieve my goals I’ll be proud of myself, holding my head up high. I think this will help me start to overcome my social anxieties.

  7. Can you first buy the basic package and upgrade later for the advanced only paying the difference for the upgrade?

  8. I would love a scholarship! Nerd fitness has already helped transform my life. I can’t even remember how I found you in early November but since then I’ve dropped 14 lbs, felt more confident & “sexy” and overall amazing and I haven’t started strength training yet! I honestly have no clue about strength training and would love to learn more. I haven’t picked a goal weight but I know I have a LoT more to lose… Whether I win the scholarship or not – I already feel like a winner just for finding Nerd Fitness. Thanks!

  9. I WANT TO WIN! and I don’t just mean the scholarship I mean in LIFE. I have had a sucky few years that have drained my “muchness” like Alice in Wonderland but I started doing some of the home exercises and making tiny paleo steps 3 weeks ago because I stumbled on this website and I feel much better already! I wasn’t even looking for a fitness thing when I found this, but already I think wow how did I properly function without this? I feel more in control of my body and therefore my life. I had a dream the other night that there were loads of barriers in front of me and because of all this unexpected strength from bodyrows under my table (!) I was able to grip on them and spring over them… One after the other… And they were higher and higher… And then I was FLYING! Nerd Fitness has taught me I AM IN CONTROL! I am going to use the Nerd Fitness Academy to give me the momentum to get from just jumping little barriers to flying. Also, I’m a vegetarian and I want to learn more about the nutrition in the paleo thing -i’ve already started eating more nuts but don’t know if that’s the best thing. I would like to talk to other women on their journey to WONDER WOMAN status cos I’m a bit of a hippy and I know success is a journey…

  10. This sounds like an awesome class. I have just discovered Nerd Fitness. So I am still getting the hang of everything. I am looking forward to learning more and finally having things click. It seems I know the theories but putting them into practice does work. As said above I need to relearn everything. This class sounds like a more active way to relearn everything plus I get to meet people who are on the same journey. I really like the community aspect. Thanks so much for this opportunity.

  11. We just got married and are attempting to buy our own place in Southern California, so needless to say we don’t have a lot of spare cash. This would be awesome because I could be healthier as we start our life together AND propel my amazingly geeky husband to join the cause with me. πŸ™‚

  12. One thing I have learnt from Nerd Fitness is that I’m not alone in my journey for a healthier body. There is a whole community here I can turn to for support if and when I need it. There’s the other participants with whom I can share successes and difficulties with and the Nerd Fitness team who will guide me along my fitness journey (that sounded really corn). My friends aren’t really into this sort of thing, so having a community to account back to would definitely be a major motivator. I’m a teenager and it is so hard for me to try to be healthier because if you express the desire to be healthier everyone assumes that you’re “obsessed with dieting and being skinny,” especially if you’re not extremely overweight. Also, gyms are intimidating places for girls, especially ones who don’t know what to do or where to start. I’m at a crucial stage – I can develop healthy habits now and keep them for life or I can turn to fast food and go down that route. I am going to use Ned Fitness to help me set out good, healthy habits for life. I don’t want to wake up someday, middle-aged and realize that I need to lose weight, become healthier, fitter etc. Prevention is better than the cure, am I right? I also can’t afford to pay for Nerd Fitness given I’m in collage …… So that scholarship would be put to good use! Thanks πŸ™‚

  13. Scholarship, please! I irregularly commute between two tiny town six hours apart and can’t swing two gym memberships, but have been turned down for internet coaching previously. So maybe friends would work better. πŸ™‚

  14. i’d really really love to get the scholarship (PLEASE).
    because i think i deserve it and i want to commit and i want to live the paleo (or caveman) live and currencies didn’t exist back then *hint hint*

  15. I have learned that losing is not all about Cardio. It is about a holistic approach to everything not just focusing on one thing more.

    I have been reading nerd fitness for some time and even purchased the books, but I am struggling with the task of just getting started. Once I get it started I know I will be sucessful but I need a little push. I also need more help with the strength training as I have not yet been sucessful at figuring out what to do and what is best for a few of the limitations I have like knees that don’t like me sometimes.

  16. Hi. I think I should win because I typed a lovely post about how I have benefitted from nf and how my life quality will improve only to have my post disappear. But if that is not enough I will simply say I’ve learned so much from you and have high hopes of health strength and fitness not only for myself but for my amazing health oriented teenagers.

  17. A scholarship would be amazing – I think my biggest struggle has been to be held accountable for my actions. I want to lose weight – and I’ve lost 30 lbs so far – but I need new ideas to make exercise enjoyable again. I’d love to have other people’s input and be held accountable for what I do and don’t do. College is starting back up on the 8th, and my diet has suffered with what little time I have to prepare decent meals. Today is my 40th birthday, and I really need to do something to make me healthier in the coming years. I really think that the Academy can help me get where I need to be. Also, because the Nerd Fitness women are my heroes. πŸ˜‰

  18. I would like a scholarship for myself. I’ve been struggling with my weight my entire life and this is the only website I’ve found that not only shows me how to achieve my goals through exercise, it also helps me tackle the mental blocks preventing me from reaching those goals. I use the dynamic warm-up and post-workout stretches from Nerd Fitness everytime I work out by myself plus I use the stretches after krav maga class. While I don’t even check scales anymore, my muffin top is slowly shrinking and my clothes are fitting better. I really hope you choose me!

  19. Other sites and “diets” leave me confused and depressed, but this group puts it all in language I can understand, and thus I’ve had so many mental breakthroughs, and I’ve only been with the group a few days! I’ve learned fitness is the goal, not just a means of losing weight so for the first time in my life I’ve actually made a fitness goal – rock climbing! Acknowledge and work with your injury – I have a permanent migraine (Persistent New Daily Headache is the clinical name). Rather than trying to ignore it and end up in pain, or avoid movement altogether, I can work with it to slow and change workouts to keep going…

    As part of the depression associated with my injury, my finances are out of control – my life goal for here on in too! – so I’m simply not able to afford to join this Academy in January, so I hope hope hope I can win a scholarship.

  20. I’m excited to have some accountability! I always start things with the best intentions, but without regular camaraderie, always fall short. Nerd Fitness is challenging me to give the Paleo Diet a try; it really worked well for a friend of mine who lost 100 lbs last year and is now kicking butt in Carry the Fallen events. A scholarship to the Women’s Academy would help me achieve those shiny goals that always seem just out of reach.

  21. I would be so grateful for the scholarship. One specific lesson that I learned from Nerd fitness that has already impacted the way that I live each day (though I have a learned a number of things in the short time I’ve known about this awesome resource) is the “doing good” attitude. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life and my entire family struggles. This concept has allowed me to give myself grace and truly stick to the small changes that I make. The Nerd Fitness Academy and community would change my life because I could get straightforward answers to how to live a healthy lifestyle. No more confusion, just simple here’s how it works, now go for it. I also am looking forward to the community support on Nerd Fitness. Awesome awesome site! Thank you for making this resource available.

  22. Would really love to win the scholarship. I am eating paleo and had lost weight, but now after a year, have gained most of it back….not sure why. I need help!

  23. I would like a scholarship for the Nerd Fitness Academy. From this site, I have learned some key facts of information about myself: 1) Yes, my husband and I are nerds- slight variations in nerdism, but nerds nonetheless; 2) I am even more interested in eating paleo. This has been brought on by guilt and general unwellness after eating so terribly, and by seeing my husband feel sick after eating grains and dairy products; 3) I see myself in Staci, and I am really inspired by the changes she made in her life. If she can make her old body type (and my current one) look like that and feel super healthy, I am all for it; 4) My idea on deadlifting has totally changed; 5) I’m too broke to pay $60-90 dollars on this course. I would use this course not only to lose weight, but to feel better about myself and my health, prepare healthier meals for my family, and actually be motivated to exercise. Please pick me!

  24. PLEASE CONSIDER ME FOR A SCHOLARSHIP! I’ve cleaned out ALL cabinets and fridge, have 2 Paleo books bought for me for Christmas, and I am trying your workout for newbies! I’m 53 out of shape and tired of being tired! I have support from family and friends. The hiccup is furnace is being replaced this week and I had to go to Urgent care because I got gas poisoning from it. PLEASE help me and I will help someone else next month. PLEASE I need this now

    Thank You for your site I love it!

  25. OOOooo!!! OOOOoOoooO!!!! ME!! ME!! Pick ME!!! Please!!! I want to get healthy, strong and skinny SO BAD!!! I could use all the help I can get!!!

  26. Nerd Fitness was my first introduction to the Paleo lifestyle. A
    specific lesson that I treasure from the site it is how clear and straight forward Steve defined paleo. How motived I felt after reading his article. So I change my eating habits, drop 16 pounds and do not want to look back. Now after 6 months I would love to start exercise. Have coaches that i can trust to help me look better and see my body improve every week would be great. I would love the Nerd Academy Schoolarship. Keep up the great work. Happy New Year!!!!!!

  27. I just found this site today. I am very intrigued and cannot wait to start the Academy.
    1. What I have learned on the Nerdfitness website: Number 1: I want to be rebel. Number 2: Diet is the most important aspect of this journey. Number 3: You don’t have to do hours of cardio to lose, huh, who knew?
    2. What I expect to get out of the Academy: I am not looking for the next quick fix (been there done that, not quick and definitely not a fix), I want something I can use for the rest of my life. I feel that in the Academy I will be able to take my fitness to a level that I have not had in 20 years. I lost 70 lbs a couple years ago and have stalled out on my diet and really look forward to getting back on track. I look forward to having more energy and motivation. I am very interested to learn the philosophy behind the program. I feel that this will provide the basis for a lifetime commitment to health.
    Thank you Steve for starting this rebellion!

  28. When is registration going to open!?!?! I feel like I’ve got my face plastered to the glass door going “Open, open, open!”

  29. Hey Belinda – everything in here is super modifiable. It took me about a year and a half to get my first pullup – they’re super hard. There are workouts for every level, and even our most basic beginner workout can be modified (and we would never expect a beginner to be able to do pullups!)

  30. I would love this, it helps me to have structure and guidance. I belonged to a successful well know program for 2 years and while it did help A LOT -60lbs πŸ˜‰ I feel as though I need something more, something new, something challenging. Being apart of NF can be the answer that I’m looking for.

  31. I would love to win a scholarship to the Nerd Fitness Academy! As a mother to two girls, ages 3 years and 6 months, I’ve realized how important it is to be a good role model in terms of fitness. Not weight, not appearance, but fitness. I want to be strong for my girls, to be able to run around, lift them, twirl them, jump rope, and swim without be physically exhausted. I took up running before I got pregnant with my second child, and finished a half marathon. I would love to run another, and knock an hour off my time. Reading Nerd Fitness has also inspired me to try things I never thought possible – now I would LOVE to do a real pull up and a hand stand. I am incredibly lucky to have free access to a gym at work, as money is incredibly tight. I think having a scholarship would help me reach the next level of fitness. I would love to be a success story! Thank you for your blog, and thank you for considering me!

  32. I hope this isn’t too late.

    1) From Nerd Fitness, I learned that becoming leaner, stronger, and more athletic isn’t an airy goal that few people reach. You need to learn the proper ways to train, commit yourself, take care of your body, and surround yourself with a super awesome Jedi council. This site has been a great place for me to learn all of these principles better and try to find Jedis for my council too. πŸ™‚

    2) I hope to use the Nerd Fitness Academy to become a better sprinter in time for track season. Sprinters are superb athletes who can move well and functionally and have lots of power, along with enviable body composition. Now I may never be competitive, but I really want to have a place to guide me along achieving better overall fitness and athleticism so I can at least learn that art.

  33. If I sign up with the Apprentice Plan and decide later (within a few days/weeks) that I would rather do the Master Plan, can I just pay the difference and upgrade? I’m having a hard time deciding which one to do.

  34. Guess I didn’t win a scholarship πŸ™ Best of luck with this new project. I will miss your emails but life does not allow money for food and fitness. Happy New Year!!!

  35. I’ve followed Steve @ Nerdfitness for about a year now. His approach to being and living a healthy life is awesome for anyone new to the Paleo lifestyle. While I don’t follow that eating plan I do believe it works. My niece and her husband are devout believers both losing quote a bit of weight and maintaining it. We enjoyed a holiday meal with them and it all was Paleo based. Keep it real Steve your a daily inspiration πŸ™‚

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