Go Primal: So Easy a Caveman Can Do It

118-1I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately on the Paleolithic diet, the Primal blueprint, and other sources that promote a more natural form of weight training, diet, and lifestyle.

Essentially, the plan is to follow what our 10,000 year old ancestors used to do, because it was that form of living in those terrible conditions that allowed them to thrive and make us who we are today.

If you’re interested in trying out this lifestyle, I would highly recommend reading this introductory article over at Mark’s Daily Apple.  I’m a big fan of the KISS principle (Keep it simple, stupid!), so this whole primal living thing is right up my alley.  Something about getting in touch with your primal side, and just lifting heavy stuff, running fast, and being awesome (without having to wear loin cloths and fight off saber-tooth tiger attacks) just gets me going.

Mark promotes a lifestyle that would make Bonk from Bonk’s Adventure very happy: simplify your lifestyle, your exercise, and your diet. Eat lots of healthy meat, vegetables, nuts, and berries, and stay away from over-processed foods, excess sugar, and bad trans fats.  Fresh produce is your friend.  Lift heavy weights (free weights, not machines), run sprints, get lots of sleep, exercise outside, and have fun.  By following this blueprint, you’ll end up being more “healthy, energetic, happy, lean, strong, bright, and productive,” because we’re genetically predisposed to being more efficient with this type of behavior.  It worked for Bonk – not only he he smiling and full of energy, but he’s got a huge brain in that big melon of his.  I’d guess he’s a big hit with the cave-ladies.

Although I’m not ready to give up grains and dairy quite yet, there are quite a few things I plan on taking from the Primal Blueprint and implementing into my lifestyle.  I know there are all kinds of body building supplements out there (some illegal, many legal) that will allow me to put on weight much faster and build muscle much quicker.

However, I’m not so sure how these supplements will affect my body in the long run, and I’d rather build a body now that is sustainable, healthy, and built for the future.  If it takes me six months longer to get to my goal body type, so be it.  When I get there, I know I did it right, without any help, in the healthiest way possible.

I challenge you to do the same. If you’re a big guy or girl, don’t resort to pills or supplements or weight loss tactics that aren’t safe.  Think about how long Hydroxycut was on the market before it was pulled off the shelves for being unsafe.  What about the ‘safe’ stuff you’re taking now?  What happens when you find out in 2020 that it’s been destroying your insides for years and they’re just discovering it now.  How about those crazy supplements you can buy to help you build muscle faster (one of which actually has a normal side effect of “tunnel vision.” holy ***)?  Is the reward really worth the risk?

I say better safe than sorry. Our primal ancestors have been eating animals, fruits, nuts, and vegetables for years and years and years and years.  They didn’t have blenders and pills and powders and injections to keep them healthy, fit, and strong, and they turned out okay.  They lived in caves, without modern medicine, without technology, without a supermarket, and managed to still become the most dominant species on the planet.  They’re okay in my book.  Here is how I plan on changing my diet:

  • More vegetables – I don’t really like vegetables, but there are a few that I really like (asparagus, for example).  I’m going to have to start buying these things in bulk and just eating like crazy.
  • More fruit – I like fruit, but I don’t eat nearly enough of it.  More apples, strawberries, blueberries, orange juice, and others.
  • More protein – chicken, meat, almonds, peanuts, etc.  I’ll still drink a protein shake or two a day to make sure I’m getting enough, but I’m just going to have to increase the rest of the good stuff I’m eating to get enough calories.
  • Less food from a box – I’m going to try and eat as much fresh food as possible and eliminate as much of the pre-packaged processed stuff as possible.

Anybody else trying to follow a similar style? Do we have any vegetarian or Vegan readers?  You’d be amazed what people are accomplishing these days eating only fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

Be more like Bonk.


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